Alice Abraham

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Myth About Carbohydrates And Weight Loss

Remember that the body cannot live without fat because not all fat is the same: there are omega 3 fatty acids that are good for health and we found in fish, as there are the harmful trans fats that cause obesity or diseases still more severe.
Myth: Carbohydrates are fattening
Although mostly fat results, in fact, too many carbohydrates do not mean that we should deprive ourselves completely of their consumption.
Yes, if you want to lose weight should reduce your intake, but only if it is not working out to build muscles.

If you usually do physical effort, the use of 150 grams of carbohydrates per workout is a necessary condition for both the performance in training and for muscle growth.
No consumption of carbohydrates you at serious risk of collapse.
Myth: You should eat frequently but in...

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Ten Myths About Diets

Ten myths about diets in ALL ABOUT DIETS
Is it not true that we need to eat less fat to lose weight? Can you eat after six o'clock and which has a list of permitted and prohibited foods?
Myth 1: You cannot eat after six
It’s hard to explain where this myth arose, according to which one can abuse cakes before lunch (supposedly the morning calories not be deposited into fat) and just not eat anything after six o'clock, time of day when even a small portion of food will go directly into fat deposits.
In fact, for the body is absolutely equal at what time you consume the calories - if the morning or evening.

The only important thing is the amount of calories consumed. Of course it’s not very healthy to eat too much at night, but this recommendation is not directly linked to the time itself.
Myth 2: There is...

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Even Need To Run To Lose Weight?

Do not torture yourself by ingesting large quantities of pure water and, especially, do not believe me when I say that particular water can be healthier than another.
The recommendation is to drink two liters of pure water per day has no scientific basis and has already been refuted by the very same organization that originally launched.
In most cases, only the seat is able to tell you whether or not you need more water.

Even need to run to lose weight?
When choosing an aerobic exercise, remember that it must run it in 60-80% of HR max zone. For sedentary people this usually means a brisk walk or a workout on the elliptical. Running or swimming trigger the heart rate and it is contraindicated for you.
Write weekly between 2 to 4 drills 45-60 min.
Abdominal or strength training will not help you...

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Testosterone Importance In Fitness

In one, the consumption of ecstasy distorted sense of water saturation and the person in question ended up drinking too much water.
And yet, the amount of consumed water was only 6 liters (3).
Healthy kidneys are able to process about 0.8 - 1 liter of water per hour.
If only ingest a large amount of water you do not sweat enough, the water intake is in fact capable of being harmful to the body, it will begin to pump it with the cells, something that in no way want to happen.
How to increase testosterone?
Metabolism after thirty what is the real need for water?
As mentioned earlier, the average daily water consumption is 3.7 L for men and 2.7 L for women.
These values are fully met with the usual food intake. But it is also important to know that this...

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Water Importance To Fat Loss

How much water the body needs?
Heinz Val tin, a professor at Dartmouth Medical School , studied closely the question of the necessity of water from the body and came to the conclusion that if you have no desire to drink does not need to force yourself to do it: the body can for him even maintain flawlessly fluid balance (2) .
This scientist has shown any link between the additional consumption of pure water and certain diseases or improvement of renal function or other organs do not exist.

Moreover, he found that excessive water consumption can even be dangerous.
A glass of water before meals
Another common recommendation of “nutritionists” is that one should drink a glass of warm water before food.
Supposedly this will help you eat less and become satiated faster. But of course this is also not...

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Story about curing yeast infections

Get acquainted with nature to treat yeast infections.
Yeast infection, also known as the fungus is a type of infection that occurs mostly in and around the damp of our body and is caused by the increasing number of fungal names , Candida albicans to the number of.

Treatment for getting rid of a yeast infection, the injured party has the option to choose a natural remedy for yeast infection and drug treatment. Undoubtedly, natural treatments are more reliable and safer compared to other chemicals and therapeutic drugs based and for the same reason you are more likely to opt for a natural remedy for yeast infection.
Nature has given to us a remedy for the disease to make us get out of. So it is always better to turn to home and natural remedies for the treatment of yeast infections so. On this page...

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Story about curing yeast infections

Get acquainted with nature to treat yeast infections.
Yeast infection, also known as the fungus is a type of infection that occurs mostly in and around the damp of our body and is caused by the increasing number of fungal names , Candida albicans to the number of.

Treatment for getting rid of a yeast infection, the injured party has the option to choose a natural remedy for yeast infection and drug treatment. Undoubtedly, natural treatments are more reliable and safer compared to other chemicals and therapeutic drugs based and for the same reason you are more likely to opt for a natural remedy for yeast infection.
Nature has given to us a remedy for the disease to make us get out of. So it is always better to turn to home and natural remedies for the treatment of yeast infections so. On this page you can familiarize yourself...

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Yeast Infection 5 Foods Healing

If you are one of the many women who struggle with chronic yeast infections, you may be desperate to find a natural way to end this uncomfortable condition.
Yeast infections are not just a woman but a. against 25% of people with chronic yeast infections as well. , it is not a question of anatomy. Anatomy of women just makes the place easier for imbalance inside. To manifest outside the
Good news is that there are natural ways to combat the overgrowth of the yeast Candida in your system and it all started with a trip to the Diet Candida albicans and make a lifestyle change something, as a part of. Candida diet there is certain foods that are not only Candida yeast cells, but can even kill them.

fifth elimination diet yeast
1.Coconut oil
Coconut oil has been shown to have many health benefits. SBO , but...

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Ozone To Treat Cellulite

As for the use of injection of ozone, it is done by injecting a mixture of medical ozone and oxygen needles minute painless subcutaneous injection of ozone works on the following:

  • The oxidation of fatty substances (as it is powerful oxidizing agent) to simple compounds.

  • Stimulate blood circulation and stimulate metabolism, which leads to burn fat and help get rid of them through the circulatory system.

  • Increasing the proportion of oxygen in the cells and thus increase their efficiency becomes fibers more flexible and more skin freshness, leading to the return of the form of the skin to normal in the area where melt the fat.

Spoke described for Sauna Ozone, saying: It is the cabins individual person enters inside and called inside the water vapor in the temperature of 40 ° C with a mixture of a gas of oxygen and ozone, and...

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Ozone To Treat Cellulite And Beautify The Skin

Research of multiple for cellulite, where he says: is a grouping layer of fat under the skin in a way reduces the elasticity of the skin and affect the texture of the skin and form it may be unsightly, and this is one of the problems that are difficult to get rid of them in the traditional way such as the use of a specific diet or special creams.

It was many years experience and modern methods, but there is now a means of medical natural modern to deal with this problem and solve it, which leads to getting rid of fat accumulated under the skin directly and restore skin elasticity and smoothness, and this means combined together give the best results in the shortest time possible and this means is:

Using sophisticated device gives waves biological equipment through the poles rubber placed on the skin in the area to be dealt with and is working to alert the muscles by way of regular and...

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