Ozone To Treat Cellulite

As for the use of injection of ozone, it is done by injecting a mixture of medical ozone and oxygen needles minute painless subcutaneous injection of ozone works on the following:


Spoke described for Sauna Ozone, saying: It is the cabins individual person enters inside and called inside the water vapor in the temperature of 40 ° C with a mixture of a gas of oxygen and ozone, and the treatment is through drink the skin of the gases mentioned above, and handles this type of treatment with the body in general and with the skin in particular. For the body, Valawzon increases the percentage of oxygen available to the body’s organs and cells, thus increasing energy and then increase the capacity and performance of all the organs of the body to the optimum position and at the same time stimulate blood circulation and reduce stress and exhaustion and stress, which negatively affects the functions of the body and the outcome in the end is to increase vital for the body and restore the freshness of the skin.

As for the skin, the drink of Medical ozone gas works to increase skin elasticity and increase the flexibility of natural collagen and fat oxidation under the skin, in preparation for disposal through the circulatory system.


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